

【Vocabulary】やる気 yaruki

”やる気(やるき yaruki)” means "motivation" in English.

Because this is my first ever post on this blog, I have plenty of やる気(やるき yaruki)! ( `ー´)ノ hehehe

やる(yaru) = do
気(き ki)=feeling, spirit, inner power

やる気(やるき yaruki)= feeling to do, spirit to do.... = motivation

Here is example.

やる気がある。(やるき が ある yaruki ga aru)
=  have motivation (to do).

やる気がない。(やるき が ない yaruki ga nai)
=  have no motivation (to do).

やる気がでる。(やるき が でる yaruki ga deru)
= make motivation, get motivated

やる気がでない。(やるき が でない yaruki ga denai)
= can't make motivation, can't get motivated

◆ねえ! 本当に、やる気あるの?
 ねえ!ほんとうに、やるき あるの?
Nee! Hontou ni, yaruki aruno?

= Hey! Do you really intend to do (this)? / Do you really want to do (this) or not?

   じつは、あまり やるき が ない。 
jitsu wa, amari yaruki ga nai

= Actually, I don't have feeling want to do very much.

   やるき が でてきた!
yaruki ga detekita!

= I'm getting motivated!

   なかなか やるき が でないなあ。
naka naka yaruki ga denai naa

*talking to oneself
= I can hardly get myself motivated. / It is quite hard to get motivated.

Well right now, I am.......

yaruki manman desu!

= I'm fully motivated!! / I'm very ready to do it!

ganbaruzo!       I do my best!!

( `ー´)ノ

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