

【Proverb】諺 ことわざ Kotowaza

Do you know what does "ことわざ  kotowaza" means?
In English, it's "Proverb".
As you know, proverb is the short saying to express common sense or experience of our daily life.
Almost every culture have their own proverb and it comes from their culture and language.
However some proverbs express same thought even if the language and background culture are different.
For example,

◆ (JP)
     郷に入っては郷に従え ごうにはいっては ごうにしたがえ 
  Gou ni haitte wa, Gou ni shitagae
  *when you visit the country, follow the rule of its country.

     (EN)   When in Roma, do as the Romans do.

     (TH)   เข้าเมืองตาหลิ่ว ต้องหลิ่วตาตาม
  * when you go to the town which everyone look with one eye,
   you must follow to look with one eye.

It is interesting that it shows we all human have same sense and perspective at some point of view even if we live in different culture and use different language. I think this is awesome!

I love to lean foreign proverb. Because each language have unique proverb and it teaches me the culture behind language. Also it is fun to know how each language describe same thought with different metaphor.
For example,

◆ (JP)
  馬の耳に念仏 うまのみみに ねんぶつ 
  Uma no mimi ni nenbutsu
  *say a prayer to the Buddha towards horse's ears

    (EN)   to preach to the wind
  to pray to deaf ears
  In one ear and out the other

    (TH)   ตักน้ำรดหัวตอ
  *draw water and give water to a stump

See! It is interesting, isn't it?

And using proverb in a conversation makes my language sounds very fluent with the language. Yeah! ;)

◆ 千里の道も一歩から! せんりのみちも いっぽから!
   Senri no michi mo ippo kara!
      * Even if thousand miles starts from one step

      Roma was not build in a day!

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