

【Idiom】三日坊主 みっかぼうず mikka bouzu

三日坊主 みっかぼうず mikka bouzu

This word is compound with two words.

三日 みっか mikka  =  three days, 3rd (date)

坊主 ぼうず bouzu  =  Buddhist monk

So direct translation is " Three days Buddhist monk" ??
Well, what does it mean?

This word describes a person who easily give up things after three day.

Becoming a Buddhist monk is not easy as most people think.
Their training begins from early morning  and take very simple diet twice a day.
So person who decided becoming a monk with impulsive decisions, usually can't stand it even three days and quit becoming a monk eventually.

So "みっかぼうず  mikka bouzu" means,

- Person who easily quite what he decided to do
- Person whose intention never lasts more than three days

"みっかぼうず mikka bouzu" is an idiom to be used as {noun} .

◆   私はいつも三日坊主です。 
   watashi wa itsumo mikka bouzu desu.

   =   I always give up a thing in three days. / My intention always never lasts more than three days.

◆   たばこをやめてから、一か月!今回は、三日坊主じゃないよ!
   たばこをやめてから、いっかげつ! こんかいは、みっかぼうずじゃないよ!
   tabako wo yamete kara, ikkagetsu! Konkai wa mikka bouzu janaiyo!

   =   Since I quite (smoking) cigarette, it's a month!
        This time, I'm not giving up in three day! / This time, my intention lasts more than three days!

① よし!きょうから、ダイエットをはじめよう!
        All right!  Let's start diet from today!

② うっ!

③ え!ドーナツ? ダイエットは、どうしたの?
        Eh!  A doughnut?  What's wrong with your diet?

④ もぐもぐ、、、もぐもぐ、、、
       nom nom ... nom nom ...

⑤ また、みっかぼうずね。
      "Mikka Bouzu" again, huh....
  (It didn't last more than three day again, huh....)

Well, I wish I won't be a "Mikka Bouzu" with my blog.... hehehe

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