

【Culture】花粉症 かふんしょう Kafun-shou

Spring is the pleasant season for almost everyone. Gentle sunshine and warm breeze bring blooming flowers and help the vegetation.  The warmness of spring gives us peaceful moments.......What a wonderful season.....!

Well, but maybe not for people like me; have an allergy to pollens...!!!! (@_@;)

Today's word is
花粉症 かふんしょう Kafun-shou   =  a pollen allergy "

"花粉症 かふんしょう kafun-shou" is a big annual problem for a number of Japanese people.
Between February to May when cedar trees produce pollens, many people get allergic symptoms and suffer from sinus problems.
It is not because only cedar pollen but in fact there are huge amount of cedar trees in Japan which we used to use it in order to build a house back in day. However now we don't use woods for building house as much as we did,  there are still huge number of cedar trees growing in Japan. So that cedar pollen is the one of big part of reason why we get a pollen allergy.

Here are the words of symptoms caused by "花粉症 かふんしょう kafun-shou" and Japanese translations.

くしゃみ kushami  =  Sneezing
鼻水  はなみず hanamizu  =  Runny nose
鼻づまり はなづまり hanazumari  =  Nasal congestion
頭痛  ずつう zutsuu  =  Headache
目のかゆみ me no kayumi  =  Itchy eyes
涙目 なみだめ namida-me  =  Watery eyes
のどのかゆみ nodo no kayumi  =  Itchy throat

When you say, " I have a pollen allergy." it goes,

私は花粉症です。 わたしは かふんしょうです。 watashi wa kafun-shou desu.

In direct translation, you can read this sentence as "I am a pollen allergy." though, this is how you say in Japanese.

While "花粉症 かふんしょう kafun-shou" goes mess around all over Japan, quite a lot of Japanese people wear masks to avoid inhaling a pollen. This may be looks odd to people from where never have a pollen allergy though, in spring, especially in Tokyo, you may see almost everyone include high school students wear masks. You may think that something bad going on in that area or everybody is incredibly sick; you may want to stay away from them.
Well, that is usual and annual looks of Japanese people in spring. Don't worry.
We wear a mask to be polite to other people when we sneeze. Wearing a mask is manner in public environment of Japanese when we are sick or have symptoms to sneeze or cough.
So when you are in Japan and got cold or sneeze/cough often, you've better to wear a mask especially in public area.   

So......this is how I look in spring. Even if I live in the united states, I have very bad pollen allergy. So that I must to wear a mask and sun glasses to protect my eyes not to get pollens....
I know this look like I'm going to rob a bank or store...hahaha well, I'm just protecting myself from pollens as much as I can.. :p

Have a nice day!