

【Vocabulary】音痴 おんち onchi

Do you like to sing a song?
Do you enjoy karaoke with your friends?

Well, I like to sing a song... but only when I am alone in my room or when I'm driving my car alone!
Because I'm a very bad singer and feel embarrassed to have somebody listen to my singing! ((+_+))

So how can we say "I'm a bad singer. / I'm not good at singing." in Japanese?

わたしは うたが へたです。
watashi wa uta ga heta desu.

= I'm not good singer. (I'm a bad singer.)

わたしは うたが にがてです。
watashi wa uta ga nigate desu.

= I'm not good at singing.

These are the most simple ways to say that you are not good at singing.

Today, I would like to introduce new word to express "A BAD SINGER".  
It is........

音痴 おんち onchi   {noun}

Originally, "音痴 おんち onchi" means "have no sense of tone" or "be tone-deaf".

① ねえ、カラオケいかない?
  Nee, karaoke ikanai?        =  Hey, don't you wanna go Karaoke? (Wanna go Karaoke?)

② いかない。 わたし、おんちだから。
  Ikanai.   Watashi, onchi dakara.    = I don't go. Because I'm a bad singer.

③ だいじょうぶだよ!  きにしないで!
        Daijoubu dayo!    Kinishinaide!     =   That's all right!  Don't worry!

④ ほんとうに、おんち。 
        Hontou ni onchi.        = Really, a bad singer.

        Hebii metaru ni kikoeru.    =  It sounds Heavy Metal to me.

So now you can say "I'm a bad singer";

わたしは おんちです。
watashi wa onchi desu.

Well, this is not the end for today.
There are few more words you need to know which are related to  "音痴 おんち onchi"

◆ 方向音痴
houkou-onchi      =  have no sense of direction / be bad with direction

方向 ほうこう houkou   " direction"

ex)  私は方向音痴なので、いつも道に迷います。
  わたしは ほうこうおんちなので、 いつも みちに まよいます。
watashi wa houkou-onchi nanode, itsumo michi ni mayoimasu.

I have no sense of direction so that I am always lost.

◆ 機械音痴 
kikai-onchi     =   be bad with machines

機械 きかい kikai     "machines"

ex) 母は機械音痴で、パソコンが使えません。
はは は きかいおんちで パソコンがつかえません。
haha wa kikai-onchi de pasokon ga tukaemasen.

My mother is bad with machines, so she can't use a computer.

◆ 運動音痴
undou-onchi   =  be uncoordinated / be bad at playing sports

運動 うんどう undou   "exercise"

ex) 私の弟は運動音痴ですが、足は速いです。
わたしのおとうとは うんどうおんちですが、あしは はやいです。
watashi no otouto wa undou-onchi desuga, ashi wa hayai desu.

My younger brother is not good at playing sports but he runs fast.
*あしが(は)はやい legs are fast = run fast

かのじょは うたは じょうずですが、 うんどうおんちです。
kanojo wa uta wa jouzu desuga, undou onchi desu.

= She sings well but she is bad at playing sports.

She is not "onchi" but is "undou-onchi".

Did you get it? 👆

For me, I am onchi (a bad singer) and houkou-onchi (have no sense of direction).
I love to travel to foreign countries alone but I am not able to drive anywhere without car navigation!!

See you!

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